Saturday, 30 April 2011

“Day of the Moon” Series 6 Reviews


Wow! That was so different from the average Impossible Astronaut. For the first time we see the horror from Holmes/Hinchliffe era of Doctor Who, and we see comedy that works so well. It’s truly amazing.

The Doctor is excellent, truly established and you can see Matt Smith as the Doctor now. And more importantly – you see his fear when they reveal the monster is ACTUALLY The Silence. Amy is finally a companion as she steps through the door we know she shouldn’t and she is really brilliant. Even Rory gives an incredible performance when he argues with the Doctor. River Song is continuing her excellent performance from TIA.

Set wise: they’re awesome. Utah is underused and is seriously a little pointless. Area 51 is great and the scene with the body bags is awesome. The skyscraper and swimming pool joke is fantastic. The orphanage is creepy and brilliant and the “nest” of The Silence is awesome as well. The Lodger TARDIS is a slightly odd choice and maybe doesn’t quite fit considering everything. But the look of the episode is truly amazing.

Music is brilliant, and the repetition of regeneration music at the end is brilliantly used and so clever and powerful. The only silly bit music is when The President walks in. Twice.

Story Arcs are also interesting. River thought the Doctor had kissed her before, the Doctor didn’t. This is more just the Doctor and the River going backwards in time lines I imagine. And then there’s the ending *spoilers* where the little girl regenerates. That is truly ONE OF THE MOST SHOCKING MOMENTS IN DOCTOR WHO EVER! That is AWESOME! And is Amy pregnant, who is River Song and wow… the episode was just incredible.

So yeah – the whole episode is one of the best of Doctor Who ever, it’s scary, funny, puzzling and who can resist being scared by the creepy Orphanage owner? It is an amazing episode – completely amazing, and it is on an epic scale, though not necessarily due to Utah. But the episode is amazing.

And you know what? I would give it 10/10 but I WON’T because of the silly President introduction music – twice, and of course the lack of Utah.


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