Saturday, 27 August 2011

“Let’s Kill Hitler” Series 6 Doctor Who Reviews

Let’s Kill Hitler. I wasn’t expecting much. To be honest.

It was one of the best episodes since Series 5, and certainly the best one Steven Moffat has written since Series 5. The pre-titles sequence was excellent, funny, clever and excellently done. It looks brilliant, and that’s something consistent with the entire episode, it looks brilliant. Mels’ introduction is fantastic, and her history with Amy and Rory is excellent as well.

To see Amy (and a slightly disappointing Rory) grow up was excellent. The young Amelia is another fantastic performance, the young Mels is excellent, and to see them all grow up together was fantastic. The scenes where Mels grows up with Amy and Rory are the kind of scenes I’ve been wanting to see in modern Doctor Who for ages. It’s excellent and it’s a really clever idea from Mr Moffat.

I also love lots of regenerating. And we got that, loads of it. And to see River’s beginning, it’s excellent. Especially to see it half way through River’s story which is running backwards. And now we know Melody’s story, and possibly, maybe why the Astronaut shoots the Doctor. But I doubt that. Melody’s story, being captured by the Silence (more of them later) and brainwashed to kill the Doctor, and growing up with her mum and dad so she’d get to kill the Doctor. Then she changes into River, tries to kill the Doctor (which can’t happen, and it’s good the Doctor’s death in Utah has been put as part of continuity now), and then becomes River….

And River saves the Doctor, therefore meaning she can die in Forest of the Dead. It ties everything in. How can she fly the TARDIS, she’s the child of the TARDIS, how she becomes River and picks the name, and so on…

Overall it was excellent. The Silence are a religion! What an excellently clever idea! Straight from the classic books, almost, just what I’ve wanted! Awesome. And River’s beginning we know, excellent. Visually, it was amazing, musically, it was superb, and music from series 5 was used perfectly. The aliens were brilliant, and Amy and Rory gave their best performance yet.

I actually like Amy and Rory now. They’re awesome, especially in this episode. River Song isn’t as good in this episode, in my opinion, but now her beginning has been shown, she’ll begin to be the excellent character she is always. And we know where she got the book.

It all ties in brilliantly, it’s got excellent monsters, brilliant sets, and it’s the perfect episode. I love it, funny, clever… but the only silly thing was Hitler. Pointless, really, but the episode was so good I forgive that – and I forgive the rubbish title.

Let’s Kill Hitler was brilliant, and while it was funny, it wasn’t a joke, and Matt Smith gave a developed, darker, adult performance of the Doctor. He was brilliant in it, and with acting like we saw in Let’s Kill Hitler, it bodes well for the rest of the series.


Just: what’s the question the Silence are waiting for? Who really killed the Doctor? And who does River actually kill to end up in prison?

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