Saturday, 28 May 2011

“The Almost People” Series 6 Reviews


Right. Amy has the midwife from hell – but the Amy we’ve known all series is a CLONE! CLONE! FLESH! And I’d like to point out something I noticed before the episode, Amy and Rory wear identical clothes to those in the beginning of The Impossible Astronaut. So before we see Amy and Rory in that, they’ve been dropped home – but Amy is an imposter cos before the Doctor went off on his own she was duplicated. Complicated, not exactly easy to follow, but hopefully right.

Because of course the Doctor seems to have worked something out with his clone, he’s already been to the monastery, he needed to work something out. And then the Doctor is of course always the Doctor – not the clone as Amy thinks (and as me and my family suspected). So now everyone knows everything.

And we’re back to the REAL Amy. About to give birth. And that midwife is REALLY CREEPY! And watching the trailer for episode 7 – it looks epic, properly properly epic and incredible.

But back to episode 6. We were all waiting (all Who fans anyway) for the cliffhanger. But the episode itself was a bit better than last week’s. Who cares about the monastery in pieces? I want to know about the characters – and that was what we got. The characters were perfect in this. Cleaves was so much better, and her backstory and recently discovered illness really turned the episode.

Jimmy was excellent, and I’m glad the story with him and his son was finally given a proper story and ‘ending’. The other one, short hair, clone survives of him, he was boring, Buzzer was disappointing and Jennifer wasn’t very good.

But the Jennifer as a proper monster was quite impressive.

Two Doctor’s was awesome, brilliant work from Matt Smith and it worked with him as two people. Also, Amy was good. Probably because she’s a clone. But the performance Karen Gillan gave was better than previous performances. And Rory’s a companion! At last!

Surprised at how much I enjoyed the episode – still not excellent though.

Cliffhanger – next week – woo!

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