As above, the title is THE REBEL FLESH. And we all knew what the Flesh was, from trailers or from clips or any of that. But we knew. And we knew it turned bad and the Gangers (cleverly named) got free. Right, we knew that from trailers and plots. So why spend a whole episode explaining it? Because that’s what this did. The Flesh turned bad and then they spent the whole episode explaining the right and wrongs of the possible Civil War. WHICH WE KNEW WAS GOING TO BE THERE! The episode could be summed up in 5 minutes, and it was, before the episode in various bits and pieces. So the episode, really is pointless. It could easily fit in 45 minutes, for the whole two parter.
I was ready to say how much better Matthew Graham was now at writing it, after his appalling script Fear Her. But – he isn’t much better. Yes he’s got science fiction and duplicates and a big bubbly flesh thing… But he’s still rubbish, frankly. The dialogue in Fear Her was awful, not to mention David Tennant’s sudden turn into a cockney accent. But this did the same. The Rebel Flesh had awful dialogue in some moments, most of all from Cleaves, who just wound me up. And then there was the Doctor’s northern accent.
The only person in the group on the island who I liked was the Scottish man (don’t know his name). He was the only one that seemed to be a real character. The others were either annoying, stupid, or both. There was also Jennifer. But that’s another story.
The Doctor in this story is on top form as ever. The story started off quite well. I loved the scene in the TARDIS with Muse playing in the background, and the Solar Storm and when they first arrive on the island. That felt like it should do, and it had an almost 2nd Doctor feel to it. But then it was all down hill. However, the Doctor was on top form as always.
Amy took the role of “jealous” in this episode. She didn’t really expand on her character, but it did continue from her character that was there in The Doctor’s Wife. Rory I liked in this episode. Apart from the fact he was trending on Twitter after the episode (so he clearly made an impression) he felt right in that story. He earned his place in the TARDIS. And you know what, I’d much rather he ran off with Jennifer. It gave Rory more character, it made him almost more like the Doctor and the lines he got were a continuation from the Doctor’s Wife, so the episodes do follow on well.
The concept itself is Ok, but not very original. The characters aren’t very good and the only people I’m interested in in the story are Rory and Jennifer. The cliffhanger was SO PREDICTABLE, and that was without reading spoilers in the Daily Mail. And I was hoping they wouldn’t duplicate the Doctor –but they did. Not good, I hate duplicates of main characters, the stories just get silly and lower the standard (even further) for comedic value.
Basically – not looking forward to The Almost People. Disappointed with the Rebel Flesh, same standard of dialogue as Fear Her, not very original plot. Enjoyed the first 10 minutes but not much more.
What I AM looking forward to is the almighty cliffhanger at the end of episode 6. Which is apparently bigger than the episode 7 one….
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