Thursday, 9 June 2011

Deep Within The Gamma Forests

The first fan fiction for this blog, written by me, JR Mortimer. It’s about Lorna Bucket (seen in 6.07) and her first encounter with the Doctor. (The 8th Doctor, I might add.)

I was wandering the forests when I heard the noise. It was like the scratching of an engine, not that there were many of those in the Gamma Forests. I walked through and got to the river. I put my hand against the surface and felt the water flow. I could sense things when I touched the water. Almost as if I could sense the future. Almost as if the ginger girl and the blonde woman in my head would one day be real.

And then I heard the noise again, the scratching. And I could see a light in the distance. I walked towards it, picking up speed as she passed the trees and the old twigs on the ground. I needed to get to the light. It was almost as if – it was for me...

Then I saw what made the light. A tall blue box, with the light on top shining brightly. The box was a deep blue colour, with darkened windows and a brightly shining message at the top. POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX.

A man stepped out. He had a long blue coat on, with a white shirt and waistcoat underneath. His curly brown hair reached his neck, and his grey trousers were old and battered. He smiled at me and I smiled back, as he shut the door to the box.

“Hello, I'm the Doctor,” he said, smiling broadly.

“Hello. I'm Lorna.”

“Lorna. I'm afraid you're in terrible danger. Look up at the skies.” I did as the Doctor said. There were huge creatures, covered in black shining scales, with wings that seemed to stretch on forever. “Pterodactyls near enough. We need to run.” The Doctor said. “Run!”

The Doctor grabbed my hand and begin charging through the overgrow trees and plants of the Gamma Forests. We were approaching the stream that ran off the river, and we'd have to run for miles to get passed that, it ran all the way through the forest. The Doctor grabbed my hand tighter, and the screeching the creatures in the sky made got louder. He got nearer to the stream – he was going to jump over it. The Doctor picked up speed and so did I. He leaped over the stream and I followed, still holding on, feeling as if I'd just floated over the water. We kept running, the creatures getting louder. The man drew a silver device out of his pocket.

“Screwdriver, it's sonic,” the Doctor said quickly. He held the device up and pulled the lever down. With his other hand he still held mine, and we still charged through the forest at a speed I'd never gone before.

The device screeched and the creatures got louder, but slowly they started to quieten down, as if they were fading. I dared to look to the skies, and I saw the creatures fading from the skies of the Gamma Forests. I looked back, me and the Doctor were still running. As I looked to him and smiled, I didn't notice the fallen tree on the ground. The Doctor jumped over it, but I tripped and fell to the ground.

A few hours later, I found myself in my house. I was lying on my bed, with my family around me and with people waiting to see if I was all right. I was... but the Doctor wasn't there... He'd gone away in his blue box again.

But I knew one day I'd meet him again.

I hope you enjoyed this, please let me know on my Twitter @eternals_tweets if you did, didn’t, why, why not, etc.

My Doctor Who Series 6 Part I Awards are Coming Soon, along with the first review of EDWE II.

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