Saturday, 4 June 2011

“A Good Man Goes to War” Series 6 Reviews

Ok. So we don’t know who Madame Kovarian is. We don’t know who shoots the Doctor and why he’s so accepting of his death. But we can probably have a few good guesses.


The Doctor and Rory rescue Amy Pond, who’s now had a daughter. Madame Kovarian wants the baby to use a weapon and she has the Headless Monks and the army of Demon’s Run alongside her. The Doctor and Rory then fight to protect the baby, collecting debts from around the universe. But they’re all fighting to protect Melody. And Melody is a clone. She’s Flesh, just like Amy was. Kovarian has the real baby. The real baby is locked inside an astronaut suit and imprisoned by the Silence. And the real baby um… “began” in the TARDIS. Making her part Time Lord. And what’s the result of all this? The girl who’s Amy’s daughter, the girl who’s part Time Lord, the girl who was imprisoned in the astronaut suit – is River Song.

I’m so glad the revelation wasn’t spoken directly. It was written on the cot, on the prayer leaf. It was done beautifully. But for the actual secret, the HUGE SECRET that’s been kept quiet – is a little disappointing. I always felt we should be able to work out who River is right back from her first appearance. But it would’ve been impossible for us to know a big part of the story then – and that’s annoying. But, the episode was done so well I don’t care.

The characters were the best they’ve ever been. Matt Smith played the Doctor brilliantly and Karen Gillan was excellent as Amy. Definitely the best performance she’s done. Arthur Darvill has always been a bit boring and not very good – but now he’s excellent. He gave a FANTASTIC performance as Rory, and he really is now a proper companion.

The plot itself wasn’t brilliant and very simple. But the visual of the episode and the way it looked was STUNNING. I loved the space battles and the Cybermen, despite their very short and too brief appearance, were awesome, I loved them. The asteroid, the Headless Monks, the lightsabre things, the whole thing, beautiful, stunning, looks awesome, well done, 10/10. And I loved the Victorian London bit. Proper Talons of Weng Chiang.

And the other characters were awesome. The Silurian and Jenny were awesome, the Clerics were brilliant – and I wanted LORNA TO BE A COMPANION!!!!!! But then that happened with Martha and Adeola – so who knows? LORNA FOR COMPANION!! But the others were brilliant. I love the Sontaran, the best Sontaran performance ever in Doctor Who, hilarious. And the bits in the war, the brief cameo from the pirates, everything, the planes, all of it was awesome.

The music was a little disappointing. It was mainly reused music but it all seemed to fit and there were certain bits where the music really shone.

An excellent episode over all, and I thought River’s reveal was handed brilliantly.

Though. Let’s Kill Hitler is the most stupid title in history… just silly.

But excellent mid-series finale, MORE OF THESE PLEASE!


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